Game Over Girl Launch
Hi everyone!
If there’s one thing I’ve realised about having a website it’s that I’m terrible at updating my blog. Sorry! I thought I’d write and tell you how the launch for Game Over Girl went a couple of weeks ago. . .
I’m lucky enough to be good friends with Cynthia Murphy, who wrote a little book you may have heard of (Win Lose Kill Die). When Game Over Girl was announced, Cynthia’s third book - The Midnight Game - was set for the same publication date. A joint launch party only made perfect sense!
We launched together at Waterstones Deansgate in Manchester and our fabulous mutual friend, Melissa Welliver, hosted a Q&A with us. (Melissa’s book, My Love Life and the Apocalypse is due out in April - you should definitely check it out!)
There was WINE! And CAKES with our book covers as decorations. So many of our friends and family were able to make it and it was so wonderful having them all in one room. The signing queue was a lot longer than either of us anticipated - we were blown away by how many of you came to celebrate with us. It was such a lovely night and one I’ll remember for a long time to come.
It was so wonderful to have a launch party, as Every Line Of You came out mid pandemic and there weren’t many launches going on at that time. We did really well with tickets and the event was packed! Thank you SO much if you came, it was so kind of you to join us.
Here are some my favourite snaps!
Naomi x
Photo credit: Emily Lowrey